Welland – January 2021 | Stars Day Nurseries
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Welland – January 2021

Welcome back to all our families

Christmas Raffles

A massive well done to everyone who helped us between Stars Welland and Stars Dogsthorpe we raised nearly £200 to help with the purchasing of Christmas presents for some of our families.

School applications

School applications should have completed by 15th January. If you have not done this, you need to inform a member of staff immediately.


  • Please can we remind you we are a nut free setting which means that the children cannot consume anything with nuts in. Also please do not send rice as this is high risk.
  • Please can we also ask that children are dressed adequately for the weather E.G Hats, Gloves and scarfs. It would also be a good idea to label clothes as children tend to have the same items.
  • Please can we ask that children do not bring other foods in with them apart from their own lunch or snacks if needed and staff are aware.
  • Toys/Comforters should not be brought in from home. These could get lost or broken and due to the current pandemic, these pose a risk of infection being passed on.

COVID information

  • A reminder that when dropping and collecting your child you need to maintain your distance from other parents and should be wearing a mask too.
  • Please be patient and wait your turn, do not push to the front of the que as your children will be brought out in order. Please if at all possible, only 1 parent to collect as this will help with the flow at peak times.

In the pre-school setting we are working in bubbles. These are currently higher than they was in the last lockdown due to being open to all our children. We are frequently washing hands and cleaning touch points and doing everything to keep our environment sterile.

Please make sure you are following the government guidelines when at home. This is crucial.

Meeting others

  • You cannot leave your home to meet socially with anyone you do not live with or are not in a support bubble with (if you are legally permitted to form one).
  • You may exercise on your own, with one other person, or with your household or support bubble. This should be limited to once per day, and you should not travel outside your local area.
  • You cannot meet other people you do not live with, or have not formed a support bubble with, unless for a permitted reason.

Stay 2 metres apart from anyone not in your household.

Up to date COVID-19 information is available on the window outside the pre school or you can check gov.co.uk.

Diary Dates

12th Feb- “Chinese new year” – We will be celebrating doing various activities and exploring some Chinese food too.

12th Feb 2021- last day at pre school before half term

22nd Feb 2021- preschool re-opens

Contact details

Please make sure that the pre-school has up to date details for you. This is especially important especially with the current situation as we may need to contact you at any point.

Thank you