16th November 2022
Parnwell Nursery had a very busy term so far with lots of exciting experiences for the children. We hope they will have lots of fun and tell you all about them.
Core story
Aliens love underpants is a story enjoyed by so many children, we decided to do activities within the alien theme. Activities will include, making a rocket, riding on a spaceship using their imagination, making slime, decorating underpants, and much more.
Learning outcomes
Building confidence and self-esteem
Extend language skills –
Introducing new words in line with the story plus words from the 100-word list for children to learn to say correctly.
Fine motor skills and gross motor skills –
Building muscles in fingers and hands by using resources to create pictures and models, rolling playdough, and using pegs to put up pictures and pants.
Using arms and legs to explore balance and coordination whilst using the larger equipment.
Explore our senses
Exploring the slime with different smells and textures.
Using number language and beginning to count objects, order them in size, color, and shape.
Home Learning
Please check the Parnwell Nursery planning board and Facebook page to see what you can do to help your child at home extend their learning.
To find out about what your child takes part in whilst in preschool please ensure you log in to your star’s day nurseries app, baby days, and follow us on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/sdn.parnwell
Please review our preschool.
Dates to remember.
End of term Monday 19th December
Start of new term 4th January 2023
Kind regards
The preschool team
01733 348598