Newsletter – February 2022
Covid and staff update
Thank you for your support over the last few weeks, we understand it has been difficult, but all Staff are now back and well and hopefully there will be no more disruption. As soon as Covid restrictions lift further which we hope will be in the next few months, we look forward to welcoming you all back for stay and play sessions.
Half term
Half term is 14th February until 18th February.
Core Story
Over the next few weeks, our core story will be “The Gingerbread Man”
Teachable Moments
Every week the children take part in activities that follow a theme. Up until half term the Teachable moments will be based on Fairy tales and Nursery rhymes, with a focus this week on “sing a song of sixpence”.
Skill progression
Each half term your child’s key person will be working alongside your Child to extend skills in a certain area. This could be communication, scissors skills, school readiness or gross / fine motor skills for example. Please look out for shortly, a message via Baby’s days private message that will let you know what your child will be working on. A photo will be posted weekly so you are able to see how your child is progressing in this area. Please can you let us know if you are having trouble accessing Baby’s days so we can send log in details.
If you would like to receive feedback about your child’s day from your child’s keyworker, please could you arrive a few minutes early for collection and your child’s keyperson will be happy to provide this. If you are unsure who to ask about feedback, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Parent Boards
Each week the parent boards at the front of each room will be updated with activities taking
Wellies and suitable coat
Please can you ensure your child has wellies at the pre-school, and attends wearing a suitable coat as we are still following our free-flow ethos and children will be exploring our garden come rain or shine.
Spare Clothes
Children at Woodston, will take part in a wide range of activities that often involve water or messy play. Please can you ensure your children have enough changes of clothes with them to continue to enjoy these activities.
Reading Library
Please feel free to borrow a story to share with your child, our Reading Library will be open at drop off and pick up times.
Pick up times
Please ensure you pick your child up by 3pm. Recently we have had children being picked up late, our staff in the room finish at 3.15pm and if children are picked up late this will impact on the time they have to clean, sanitize and prepare for the next day.
Home Learning
We hope your children enjoy the new home learning books and activities. Each activity reflects our Teachable Moments that your children take part daily in the setting. Please can you ensure these books are returned as we change the learning every one to two weeks.
Please can you let the setting know before 9am if your child is absent, this is so we can plan our staffing needs. Our contact numbers are 01733 569580 or 07557 435293 you can either call or text.
Social Media
Please can you like our Facebook page (Stars Pre-school Woodston) we consistently post pictures, showing the fun activities our children have enjoyed, and updates regarding the setting. We also have a Instragram page, search for us under Stars day Nurseries.
Thank you for all you support
Jemma, Nicola and the Woodston Team