Stars Pre-School Parnwell Newsletter: March 2022 | Stars Day Nurseries
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Stars Pre-School Parnwell Newsletter: March 2022

Hello, we have had a lovely term so far, the weather is getting nicer, and children have loved being outside in the garden.

With Covid restrictions easing we are able to welcome parents back in slowly, thank you for your patience with this. It has been so lovely to see you all again, I know the staff have really liked seeing you all and being able to talk face to face with you.

Dates For The Diary

17th – St Patricks day
18th – Red nose day and recycling day
20th – world teeth day
30th – Last day of term – Picnic in the park 10-1pm – Please note preschool will be closed this day as we will be over the park. Children must be supervised by an adult at all times.
19th April – New term starts


To find out about what your child does whilst in preschool please ensure you log in to your stars day nurseries app and follow us on Facebook.

Stars Day Parnwell Facebook
Stars Day Parnwell Facebook

This Term’s Story

Our core story this term is “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” This has been amazing with children getting involved with interactive activities, listening skills, and talking about the life cycle of a butterfly.

The older children have been learning to become more independent and ‘school ready’ with using scissors, writing their name, putting their shoes on, grouping numbers, and counting beyond 10. Please encourage independence at home by letting your child put their own coat and shoes on, look for door numbers when walking and talk about their day.

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Reminder For Items Needed in Preschool

  • Named Water bottle
  • Spare clothes
  • Nappy and wipes
    Wellies (If raining or wet)
  • Sun hats need to be bought in for the summer term.
  • Sunscreen needs to be applied before they enter preschool for next term. Your child can not come in if they have not got this on

Please also ensure you collect your child on time, doors open morning session 11.20am and afternoon session 14.50pm.

Please ensure your child eats any bagel, or breakfast before they come into Stars Day Preschool Parnwell. No food apart from packed lunches will be allowed in due to allergies.

Thank you for your continued support,

Lisa and the team