Ravensthorpe – September 2020 | Stars Day Nurseries
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Ravensthorpe – September 2020

September/October 2020 – Newsletter

Welcome Back

Firstly, we would like to say a big welcome back to all our families who are returning this term and, also all of our new families.

The children have settled back in incredibly well and our new starters have settled so quickly into pre-school. We are so proud of you all!

Our staff team


Emma-Deputy manager (currently based in Yellow group)

Kerry-Senior (based in Blue group)

Alex- Room leader (based in blue group)

Mehrukh- Practitioner (based in yellow group)

Kathy- Practitioner

Alia- Nursery assistant


Since returning in June the setting has been divided into two rooms, Blue group and Yellow group. This change has been implemented to ensure groups are as small as possible.

Blue group will be accessing the setting through the garden gate and Yellow group through the main door. Whilst we appreciate that pick up and drop off times may take a little longer as we are welcoming one child at a time, we thank you for your patience and cooperation with this.

Since returning we have implemented extra measures to keep everyone as safe as possible, these include:

  • Reducing group sizes within the setting
  • There will be no free flow play at this time to keep contact in large numbers to a minimum where possible, but the children will still access the garden at regular intervals during the day in their set groups
  • There will be an increased cleaning regime throughout the day covering regular touch points and cleaning of all toys
  • Regular hand washing by the children and staff
  • No parents or visitors entering the setting
  • Separate access areas for each group to ensure social distancing can be maintained
  • We request that no items from home are brought into the Preschool to limit possible transferring of the virus.

Spare clothes and water bottles

Please ensure that you provide spare clothes in a bag which is clearly labelled for your child each day

Please ensure your child brings their water bottle in with them each day- These bottles are clearly labelled with your child’s photo and name and are made available to them throughout the day.

All bottles are washed and replenished mid-way through the day or when empty.

Please note we cannot refill bottles with juice.

Lunch boxes

All children attending a 9-3pm session will require a packed lunch.  Please ensure that these contain an ice pack as we are unable to refrigerate lunchboxes. Snacks will be provided as usual morning and afternoon.

1.     Always provide a portion of carbohydrate, this could include just 1 of the following:

Sandwich       Bagel        Brioche     Crackers    Croissant      Wrap      Pitta


2.     Always include 1 or 2 portions of fruit or veg:

Please remember to cut up your child’s grapes and cherry tomatoes in half ?

3.      1 portion of dairy is always good:

1 small yoghurt or 1 frube or a small handful of cheese cubes

4.      An extra treat could include just 1 of the following:

A boiled egg            Handful of raisins       the ‘Goodies’ range of fruit bars

Mini rice cakes                         A small packet of children’s crisps

5.     Drinks

Please provide milk, water or fruit juice

Key person

Each child has been assigned a key person which will be a practitioner within their base room who will support your child during their time at pre-school.

Baby’s days

We are still using the online system Baby’s Days to record all observations, accidents and medication. If you have not downloaded this app already, please do so. You will have received an email with your log in details. If you are unsure or have any questions, please speak to a member of staff who will be happy to help you.



Please visit and like our Facebook page. Stars pre-school Ravensthorpe


Term dates

Autumn term 2020

7thSeptember-23rd October 2020

Half term 26th-30th October 2020

2nd November- 18th December 2020


If you have any concerns or anything that you would like to discuss please don’t hesitate to contact myself or Emma.

Thank you

Caroline, Emma and the Ravensthorpe team

Information regarding children’s absence and Covid 19

What should I do if ….? Action needed …
My child is feeling ill with Covid-19 symptoms of:

·       a high temperature – this means your child feels hot to touch on their chest or back

·       a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours

·       a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means your child cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal.

Most children with Covid-19 have at least one of these symptoms.




The whole household must self-isolate. Your child will need to isolate for 10 days from the start of symptoms; the rest of the household should isolate for 14 days.


You should book a test for your child using this link here, or by phoning 119.


Please note – only the person with symptoms should be tested and there is no need for others in the household to have a test, unless they also have any of the symptoms mentioned.


Make sure you tell the Nursery immediately about the result of the test.

My child is feeling ill with other symptoms such as a sore throat, runny nose or a headache. You should act in the same way as you would have done before the pandemic. This may involve sending your child to Nursery or keeping them at home, depending on the nature and severity of symptoms. Of course, you should seek medical advice via your GP or NHS direct on 111 if you would normally do so.


Please note – if your child has sickness or diarrhoea they should not return to school until 48 hours after the last bout of this, as is normal policy.


Someone in my household has Covid-19 symptoms DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD TO NURSERY.


The whole household must self-isolate and the person with symptoms should book a test using this link here, or by phoning 119.


Someone in my household tests positive for Covid-19 DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD TO NURSERY.


The whole household should isolate for 14 days. The person who has tested positive must isolate for 10 days from the start of symptoms, and until there is no fever for 48 hours.


Someone in my household tests negative for Covid-19 Your child can return to nursery, if they have been well for 48 hours and no one in the household or support bubble has any further Covid-19 symptoms.


My child tests positive for Covid-19 DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD TO SCHOOL.


Your child must isolate for 10 days from the start of symptoms, and until there is no fever for 48 hours. The rest of the household should isolate for 14 days.


My child tests negative for Covid-19 Your child can return to nursery once they have been well for 48 hours and no one in the household or support bubble has any Covid-19 symptoms.