Newsletter July 2021
We have all had a brilliant summer term and have achieved and learnt so much.
School readiness.
The children have been developing their skills ready for when they start school. The skills we have been learning are; how to hold a pen correctly, using scissors safely, developing our independence in dressing ourselves and finding our own belongings at home time.
Graduation 14th and 15th July
We will be having a graduation to celebrate all the children’s achievement’s during their time at pre-school. During the celebration the children will receive a certificate to take home to share with their family.
The children have been learning a new song to sing our graduation we will be filming the children singing during our graduation ceremony and posting it on our Ravensthorpe Facebook page for you to enjoy. Keep a look out!
Sports day 12th and 15th July
We have planned sports day activities for all the children to take part in on these dates. You will have been given a slip with the date your child is due to take part and which colour team they will be in. If possible please could you send your child to preschool wearing a top of their team colour on that day. The children will be taking part in a variety of activities such as, running, jumping, and egg and spoon races.
The photographer has been this week to take photos of the children. If you would like to order your child’s photo please return the proof and exact money in the envelope provided by Monday 12th July for guaranteed delivery before the last day of term.
Gardening club
Our vegetable garden has been growing well with care and water from all the children. The children loved harvesting the peas in pods and tasting them at snack time. We have some beautiful orange wild flowers we have grown from seeds and our sunflowers are growing tall and strong. The children also picked their carrots and used them in the home corner to develop their imaginative skills.
End of term
A reminder that we break up for the summer holidays on Tuesday the 20th of July.
We will be reopening to all children who will be returning to us from Monday 6th September 2021.
We wish all our school leavers the best of luck in your new school. It has been an absolute pleasure to care for you during your time at Stars.
End of term carnival 19th and 20th
On the last two days of term, we will be having carnival days to celebrate our friendships and all the achievements made so far at pre-school. The children will be taking part in carnival games such as net a duck, splash the teacher, tin can ally bowling, Whack a rat, target golf, guessing booth, ping pong toss and pass the parcel.
Sun cream
We would like to remind parents to apply sun cream to your child before they attend preschool and let a staff member know that it has been applied. Could you also provide your child with a sun hat and sun cream in their bag in case we do need to re-apply sun cream. Children will be reminded to drink plenty of water from their water bottle and spend time in the shade where possible when out in the garden.
Thank you for your continued support.
The Ravensthorpe team.