Ravensthorpe – December 2020 | Stars Day Nurseries
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Ravensthorpe – December 2020

As we approach the end of another wonderful term in what has been a very strange year, we would like to thank you all for your support this year.

Parents consultations

Thank you to all our lovely parents who booked a parent consultation telephone call this term. We hope you found these useful. We are all so pleased at how well all our children are progressing at preschool. If you didn’t book a consultation but would like to discuss your child’s development or any concerns with their keyperson, please contact Caroline on 01733 330345 or email [email protected]. Thank you

Child absence

If your child is absent from Pre-School for any reason, please ensure that you contact the setting on 01733 330345 to inform us of the reason for their absence. It is essential that we keep a record of all absences, especially at this time.


Please visit and like our Facebook page. Stars Pre-School Ravensthorpe

Children in need

For “Children in Need” we raised £30. Thank you all for your support

Dates to remember

Friday 11th December Christmas jumper day. Raising money for Save the children. Suggested donation £1

Thursday 17th and Friday 18th December: Christmas party days. Wear your party clothes on these days!

Friday 18th December: Last day of term. We will be closing to all children at 1:30pm on this day to enable us to do a deep clean.

Monday 4th January 2021: Spring term begins

Christmas cards/gifts

It is the time of year where the children like to give cards/gifts to their friends. The children are welcome to do this but due to COVID-19 please be aware that any cards etc. will have to be quarantined for 72hrs prior to giving out. If you would like a list of the children in your child’s bubble, please ask a member of staff.  Thank you


Christmas fundraising

This year we are hoping to support the Stars and Sparkle charity to provide toys to ensure every child in our community receives a gift this year. If you can make any donations, we would be very grateful.



School admissions

A reminder that if your child is due to start school in September 2021, you have until 15th January 2021 to apply for their place.

30hr funding entitlement

If your child is entitled to 30hr government funding, please ensure that you continue to reconfirm your eligibility every 3 months to ensure that you continue to receive this. If you think you may be eligible and have not yet applied, please contact Caroline.

Thank you and Merry Christmas