Half term: 19th December 2022 – 4th January 2023
We would like to introduce our newest member of staff ALINA! She will be working in our Baby room, here is a little bit about her:
Hi, my name is Alina and I have recently completed my level 3 qualification in childcare and started working at Bright stars at the beginning of October. I love spending time with family and friends, I also enjoy exploring the world and getting to know people and their cultures.
Our lovely TAMINA who works in our baby room will be going away for a couple of months but will be coming back in the new year, we will miss her a lot!
We have noticed that some parents are yet to login into the baby days app where you can find pictures and messages from your child’s key person each week. If you are unsure how to log in then please let us know, we would hate for you to miss out on your child’s development at nursery and the lovely message we send you weekly about what they have been up to! If you are still having trouble, please let us know and we will help you get set up.
A reminder for those that are unsure of your login, it is the parent’s first name with a capital letter and then the password is the child’s name with a capital letter followed by the DOB in the
2-2-2 format for example:
Username: Kirsty
Password: Pickle120719
You might see a table outside the front entrance with bags on, please help yourself and take one! We would love your help in collecting natural items from the park or on a walk. Things such as leaves, conkers, and sticks – would help us to create some lovely autumn-themed activities!
If your child will be going to school next September, please do let us know when you have applied and where you have applied. Thank you! ?
We cannot tell you how much it means to us to read our reviews on the day nursery website; it honestly means the world to us. It only takes a couple of minutes, and it helps to boost our review score on the website. Thank you so much to those who have already completed one for us! ? to do yours, just log onto daynurseries.co.uk – search for Bright stars, and add your review. Thank you so much!
- When you collect your child, please check their pegs and baskets for any items that may have been placed there. Thank you ?
- Now the colder weather is coming, please can baby room children bring slippers in as we don’t want our babies to have cold feet! Thank you.
- Please can we ask that you start to bring coats in for your child, this is so they can still play outside as the weather gets colder. You can also bring rain suits and wellies too (please name these.)
- If your child is on a course of antibiotics, please remember that it states in our policies that they cannot attend nursery for at least 24 hours after their first dose of the antibiotics. This is due to allergic reactions. Thank you.
- Any child who has a childhood vaccination including the immunization for Covid are required to stay at home for 24 hours and be cared for instead of attending the setting. This is because the child is at risk of suffering an allergic reaction to the vaccination, they may feel very poorly and need extra sleep and rest to support them to feel better or are likely to suffer a serious temperature spike leading to the possibility of a febrile convulsion.
- Please make sure that you pay your nursery fees on time – unless discussed prior with Kirsty. Late payments or failure to pay will result in a late fee.
- Please can we remind you – If your child receives 30-hour funding, you will need to re-confirm EVERY 3 months. If not, you could lose the funding. For more information to see if you are entitled to 30 hours of funding, please visit https://www.gov.uk/30-hours-free-childcare
Please remember that we are a NO nut setting, if your child is packed lunch, please check your child’s food labels to ensure that is does NOT contain nuts. We have multiple children with SEVERE nut allergies which can have the potential to become FATAL.
Every month we focus on one core story and plan activities around it. The children love it, and they get so much from it. This month’s core stories are:
- Baby room – Lets go to the farm
- Toddlers – The Hungry Caterpillar
- Pre-school – The Tiger who came to tea
- Forest School – Stick man
If you have these stories at home, why not read them to your child this month?
Events and dates coming up in November:
- 5th Bonfire night-we will be doing lots of nice activities with the children
- 18th November-Children in need day, dress in PJs or yellow and donate £1 to this wonderful cause!
SAVE THE DATE: Thursday 3rd November 2022
If you were with us last year, you might remember that Stattoo came in to take some lovely Christmas photographs with the children. We are pleased to tell you, that they will be coming back again this year to do some more Christmas photographs! ? If you would like your child to have their photo taken you will need to pay a deposit which you are able to do by either following the link on your email or scanning the QR code on the poster on the front door. Without pre-booking, they will not take your child’s photo. The deadline for this is the 1st of November.
We have a food bank that is just inside the entrance of the setting and has food, nappies, and hygiene products if any of you are struggling, please just help yourself. If anyone would like to donate to our food bank we would be very thankful too ?
What have we got planned this month?
- Free play in the forest
- Reading our new core story
- Looking and caring after our allotment.
- Bug hunts
- Talking about summer
- Sensory exploration
All our 3 and 4-year-olds will get time in the Forest School at least once a week to explore the wonderful area we have. Josh has lots planned for the Forest School this month so keep an eye on your child’s Babys days and Facebook for photos!
Who is celebrating a birthday this month?
If you would like to bring in a cake you are more than welcome to, but please ensure that the cake is store brought and in a sealed box. Please ensure the cake does not contain nuts. The wording (May contain nuts) is ok as long as the cake does not contain nuts or states (may contain TRACES of nuts), it will be stated in bold on the ingredients.
We hope you all have a lovely birthday!
- Much will be 1 on the 4th
- Jaxon will be 4 on 15th
- Aliza will be 2 on 22nd
- Autumn will be 1 on 27th
Staff birthdays:
- Rose 2nd
- Kirsty 9th
We are re-introducing our travelling bear – Barnaby! He is our nursery teddy bear who loves to travel, and he would love to join in on any family holidays or family fun days. He has his own personal calendar so people can book him out to take with them. He comes with his own diary where he can write what he has been up to and space for lots of pictures. If you are interested in taking Barnaby on your travels, let us know and we can book him in ready! He is free all of November and December so please do take him home as he gets lonely! ?
Have a look at our Facebook page to see what we have been up to and make sure you give us a like, just search for “Bright Stars Day Nursery”. We share lots on our page about activities we have been doing and any upcoming events etc.