We hope all our lovely families and staff members have a wonderful Eid!

We will be having a dress down week for Eid, week commencing the 2nd May 2022. We will be wearing bright/colourful party wear and each room will be celebrating with party food and games!
Staff Shout Out: Stevie
Each month we will be celebrating a staff member for their achievements
Stevie has enrolled and will now be doing her level 3 qualification in Childcare. We are very proud of her. Well done, Stevie! 😊

Parents Consultations
If you would like a parent’s consultation please get in touch! These will be held over the telephone again this year. Slots are going fast so, please email back your preferred time to see if it is still available. You can also ask your child’s key person at the door or through baby days.
School Leavers!
School Places: You should now have all received an allocated school for your child. You will need to ring the school to accept this place. Congratulations to those of you who got your first choices! 😊
Hoodies: Thank you to everybody who has brought in money for the school leaver hoodies. We are going to put the orders in ASAP and we should receive them by July. We can’t wait to see everybody in them! If you have forgotten or changed your mind, the deadline was the 29th but ring us and we can see what we can do!
Save The Dates:
STATTOO – Monday 13th June 2022: Stattoo will be coming in to take some pictures of the children, you will have all signed a permission slip regarding this. We won’t tell you too many details, as it’s a surprise!!! They will be here on the day between 9:30-10AM. If your child does not attend that day, please bring them in for this time – it will only take a couple of minutes. Thank you!
GRADUATION PARTY – Tuesday 23rd August 2022: More information regarding the graduation party to come soon, but all school leavers are invited! 😊

Suncream and Sun Hats
As the warmer weather is nearing, please can we ask that you bring a named bottle of sun cream and a sun hat for your child to nursery. If you wish you can leave them at the setting so, you do not have to remember each time and they can be used as and when they are needed.
- If you would like in-depth feedback regarding your child after their session, please can you ensure you arrive at least 5-10 minutes before the end of their session as we close at 6. 8AM/1PM depending on the session is the earliest you can come and 1PM/6PM is the latest you can pick up.
- We supply fresh drinking water and milk throughout the day to your child. However, it might be easier for you to bring in a named water bottle for your child to access throughout their session and more covid-safe for them also.
- At nursery, we plan lots of fun and exciting activities and experiences for your child. This might mean that your child’s clothes can get messy, because of this we would recommend putting old clothes or clothes you will not mind getting dirty or stained on your child. Please may we also ask that you provide a set of spare clothes in your child’s bag. Thank you.
- Please can we remind you – If your child receives 30-hour funding, you will need to re-confirm EVERY 3 months. If not, you could lose the funding

Every month we focus on one core story and plan activities around it. The children love it, and they get so much from it. This month’s core stories are:Baby room – All aboard the Ninky Nonk!
Toddlers – We’re goingon a bear hunt
Pre-school – Supertato
Forest School – How to catch a dragon
If you have these stories at home, why not read them to your child this month?
- 6th May – World Space Day
- 9th May – World Mental Health awareness Day
- 18th May – Numeracy Day
- 20th May – World Bee Day
- 26th May – Thank a teacher Day
- 29th May – National biscuit day
Terry the photographer will be coming in on the: 23rd May 2022.
You should have all received your log in details for babys days now – we really do encourage you to go on and check it regularly as your child’s key person will do you a weekly message to let you know how they have been and you can reply on their too. If you are having trouble with logging in, please email me and I can sort it for you.
A reminder of those that are unsure of your log in, it is the parents first name with a capital letter and then password is the child’s name with a capital letter followed by the DOB in the 2-2-2 format for example:
Username: Kirsty
Password: Pickle120719
Stars of the week!
Stars of the week in April:
Babies: Noah, Haadi and Kayden
Toddlers: Roman, Ibrahim, Ismail and Noah M
Preschool: Elliott G, Neitansm Vilius, and Lochlan
Staff: Josh, Emma, Kimmy, Stevie, Tracey and Safia
What have we got planned this month?
- Free play in the forest
- Reading How to catch a dragon
- Growing our fruit and vegetables
- Watching our caterpillars turn into butterflies
All our 3 and 4-year-olds will get time in the Forest School at least once a week to explore the wonderful area we have. Josh has lots planned for the Forest School this month so keep an eye on your child’s Babydays and Facebook for photos!
Who is celebrating a birthday this month?
Georgina will be turning 4 on the 7th May
Elliot L will be turning 4 on the 9th May
Emijila will be turning 4 on the 15th May
Louie will be turning 3 on the 23rd Maty
Isla will be turning 1 on the 29th May
Tracey (our lovely cook)’s birthday is the 14th May!
If you would like to order a cake, please ask a member of staff for a form so we can add it to our shopping for you. We hope you all have a lovely birthday!
Have a look on our Facebook page to see what we have been up to and make sure you give us a like, just search for “Bright Stars Day Nursery”. We share lots on our page about activities we have been doing and any upcoming events etc. we wouldn’t want you to miss out, so please do give our page a like and turn on notifications. We love it when you engage with us too! 😊
A MASSIVE thank you to all our lovely parents who have written us a review recently. We cannot tell you how much it means to us to read them; it honestly means the world to us. I know we keep asking you all to do one, it only takes a couple of minutes, and it helps to boost our review score on the website! Thank you so so much for those who have already completed one for us! 😊
One of our wonderful families are opening their very own Greek restaurant in the centre of Peterborough in the Rivergate arcade! “It will be an authentic Greek delicatessen with take away or dine in coffee, pastries desserts and foods from all over Greece.” We can’t wait to visit! If you are interested this is where it is located:
18 Rivergate shopping centre, PE1 1EL.