Bright Stars – March 2022 Newsletter | Stars Day Nurseries
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Bright Stars Day Nursery – Newsletter: March 2022

Bright Stars Day Nursery NEWSLETTER February 2022

Ofsted Outstanding Celebration


Our Ofsted Report has now officially been posted on the ofsted website.  



Due to covid and restricted access into the setting, each month we will pick a member of staff from the nursery and write something to help you get to know them better! This month is: Stevie 😊


Hi, my name is Stevie and I work for Stars as bank staff. My eldest daughter Gracie attended Bright Stars from the toddler room until she went to school. I have just returned to work from having my youngest Primrose who is now 2 and attends Bright Stars! 😊 I enjoy things all  Harry Potter and reading books when I have time to myself.


  • Please can we ask that you do not put electronic devices in your child’s bags or bring them into the setting as we cannot be liable if they get lost, taken or damaged. We also strongly encourage children not to bring in their own toys from home for the same reason. 
  • If your child is coming into nursery wearing wellies, please ensure you also bring some indoor shoes for them to wear as well.
  • If you would like in-depth feedback regarding your child after their session, please can you ensure you arrive at least 5-10 minutes before the end of their session as we close at 6. 8AM/1PM depending on the session is the earliest you can come and 1PM/6PM is the latest you can pick up.
  • If your child is still in nappies, please ensure you bring in your own nappies, creams and wipes for each session or feel free to bring a pack in to leave at nursery as your child will have their own nappy basket. Your child’s key person will ask for more when they are running low!
  • We supply fresh drinking water and milk throughout the day to your child. However, it might be easier for you to bring in a named water bottle for your child to access throughout their session and more covid-safe for them also.
  • Baby room’s doorbell is temperamental at the moment, please knock on the front window to make the staff aware that you are there so you are not waiting too long.
  • A reminder that we are a no smoking site, so smoking (or vaping) must not be done on the premises, this includes the car park. Thank you for your cooperation.
  • Our Menus are changed seasonally, if you would like a copy just let us know and we can email you a copy.
  • Please can we remind you – If your child receives 30-hour funding, you will need to re-confirm EVERY 3 months. If not, you could lose the funding

    Every month we focus on one core story and plan activities around it. The children love it, and they get so much from it. This month’s core stories are:  

  • Baby room   Three Little Rabbits 

  • Toddlers I Love My Mummy  

  • Pre-school Heroes Who Help Us

  • Forest School How To Grow A Dinosaur

If you have these stories at home, why not read them to your child this month?

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    • 1st March – Pancake Day/St. David’s Day
    • 3rd March – World Book Day – Dress up as your favourite character from a book 
    • 14th March – Commonwealth Day
    • 16th March – Brake Zebra Day
    • 17th March – St. Patricks Day – We will be wearing green!
    • 18th March – Red nose day – We will be wearing red!
    • 25th March – Wear a hat day
    • 27th March – Mother’s Day
    • 30th March – Walk in the park day

         Terry the photographer will be coming in on the: 23rd May 2022.                                                                   


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We have a food bank in our reception area, so if you need any personal items or food, please do not hesitate to ask and we can assist you. We are also taking donations for any of these if you have anything lying around. Personal bank has things like shampoo, conditioner, body wash, feminine items, baby oil, sudocream….etc and the food bank is things with a long shelf life i.e. tins, pasta, rice. 



You should have all received your log in details for babys days now – we really do encourage you to go on and check it regularly as your child’s key person will do you a weekly message to let you know how they have been and you can reply on their too. If you are having trouble with logging in, please email me and I can sort it for you.


A reminder of those that are unsure of your log in, it is the parents first name with a capital letter and then password is the child’s name with a capital letter followed by the DOB in the 2-2-2 format for example:

Username: Kirsty

Password: Pickle120719 

Stars of the week!  

Stars of the week in February: 

Babies: Darcie, Noah, Roman

Toddlers: Louie, Taimur, Evie and Victor!

Preschool: Alex.M, Alex.K, Jacob, Uzair, Mohsin

Staff: Josh, Shannon, Sophie, Karen, Yaz, Beth & Lauren


Every child in our setting will be allocated a key person when they first start and a new key person in each room. If you do not know who your child’s key person is then, please just ask or check your private messages as we usually send you a message! 😊 



What have we got planned this month? 

  • Free play in the forest 
  • Reading our core story – The Gruffalo’s Child
  • Arts and crafts around winter
  • Looking at the weather  
  • Bird watching
  • Investigative play 

All our 3 and 4-year-olds will get time in the Forest School at least once a week to explore the wonderful area we have. Josh has lots planned for the Forest School this month so keep an eye on your child’s Babydays and Facebook for photos! 


Who is celebrating a birthday this month?  

Emilia is turning 4 on the 24th March  

Samir is turning 4 on the 5th February  

James will be 4 on the 25th March

Lochlan is turning 3 on the 26th March

Gabriella is turning 4 on the 29th March


Our Lovely Emma’s birthday is on the 28th March!


If you would like to order a cake, please ask a member of staff for a form so we can add it to our shopping for you. We hope you all have a lovely birthday!


This year for our school leavers, we would like to organise school leaver hoodies for all the children who will be going to school in September. This would include the first names of all the children in your child’s class on the back of the hoodie. We will be asking you all to sign a permission form soon so we can begin to organise this and give you all information about this soon. 😊


Have a look on our Facebook page to see what we have been up to and make sure you give us a like, just search for “Bright Stars Day Nursery”. We share lots on our page about activities we have been doing and any upcoming events etc. we wouldn’t want you to miss out, so please do give our page a like and turn on notifications. We love it when you engage with us too! 😊


Thank you so much to all those who have given us a day nursery review! 
We are asking all our lovely parents/carers to complete a day nursery review for us. It is a quick two-minute questionnaire about our nursery and the services we provide. This would really mean a lot to us if you could fill one out. You can search us on the day nurseries website to complete online or a paper version which we can provide. Thank you again! Submit a Review – Bright Stars Day Nursery ( 


If your child brings in a packed lunch, we do expect it to meet our “healthy lunchbox” guidelines. An example of a balanced lunch box is below,

and we have a printout if you need some more guidance.
  • 1 main – i.e, sandwich or wrap
  • 1 dairy – i.e., yoghurt or cheese
  • 2 fruit – i.e., half a banana and grapes
  • 2 veggies – i.e., carrot and cucumber slices
  • 1 treat – i.e., a few crisps or chocolate bar

We do understand that the above is a lot, so you don’t have to stick to that, but it’s just a guide, but if you have any questions, please ask a member of staff.


“I’m proud to be joining Team Tommy’s in the London Landmarks Half Marathon on 3rd April to support Tommy’s and continue their vital work

saving babies’ lives. Tommy’s fund research into miscarriage, still birth and premature birth, and provide pregnancy health information to parents. They believe it is unacceptable that one in four women lose a baby during pregnancy and birth. They want every parent to have the best possible pregnancy outcomes and to take home happy, healthy babies. This charity is very close to my heart as some of my closest & longest friends are 1 in 4 and 1 has used this charity & they provided support at a horrible time, so I’d like to give something back. I will be thinking of every si

ngle one of those friends and babies as I stomp 13 miles round London.”

If you would like to sponsor Kirsty –
there is a link on our Facebook page, or we have a charity box at nursery where you can give a cash donation.
Thank you so much! 😊

If you have any questions, please drop us an email or give us a call.
Thank you, Kirsty & Diane 
[email protected]
  01733 343278