Staff Shout Out: Lauren
Each month we will be celebrating a staff member for their achievements
Lauren is our apprentice at Bright stars, she is currently working towards her level 3 in childcare. She has absolutely smashed her coursework and is looking to complete it by September! We are SO proud of her!! WELL DONE LAUREN! 😊
Parent Feedback:
As you are aware, due to covid we stopped parents/carers from coming into the setting to protect all children and staff from the virus. We have decided to gradually begin introducing parents back into the setting for feedback only for the time being. Please bear with us whilst we are getting into the swing of this. We do ask that you take your child’s belongings from their peg and baskets as you collect them, please. Feedback will only be given in the gardens for now whilst we are trialling this, you will be let in through the main door (toddlers/preschool) through the hallway and into the middle garden, please knock on the door of either the toddler room or preschool room (depending on what room your child is in) and a member of staff will bring your child out to you. 😊 The baby room will remain the same, please use the side gate entrance by ringing the doorbell and a member of staff will let you in. We feel that drop-off time works well so we will keep that to door drop-offs, as it has been for a few years now.
As the weather is warm and sunny, we understand that children are more likely to wear dresses and skirts to keep them cool. However, we do ask that if your child wears a dress or skirt that you put shorts or cycling shorts underneath, this is just so we can ensure your child is safeguarded as much as possible. If you haven’t heard of “Upskirting” before, this is the description from the GOV website: ‘Upskirting is where someone takes a picture under a person’s clothing without their permission. It is now a specific criminal offence in England and Wales.’ We all have regular safeguarding training, and this is quite a new development and therefore we feel taking steps to protect everyone is our duty. If you need any more information, please do just ask! 😊
Graduation Party:
Date: Tuesday 23rd August 2022
Time: 2-4pm
For this years graduation party we will be having a party in the garden. We will be having a “BBQ” with hotdogs, playing lots of party games and having lots of fun! Please make sure your child has suncream and a hat on for this. It would also be a good idea for T-shirts, shorts and trainers for the children to move around well. (no sandals please)
- We supply fresh drinking water and milk throughout the day to your child. However, we do recommend for you to bring in a named water bottle for your child to access throughout their session.
- As the warmer weather is nearing, please can we ask that you bring a named bottle of sun cream and a sun hat for your child to nursery. If you wish you can leave them at the setting so, you do not have to remember each time and they can be used as and when they are needed.
- If your child is on a course of antibiotics, please remember that it states in our policies that they cannot attend nursery for at least 24 hours after their first dose of the antibiotics. This is in case they have a reaction. Thank you.
- Please ensure that you bring in at least 3 nappies for your child’s session. If we must use a spare nappy, you will be charged £1 for each nappy used. Alternatively, you can bring in a pack of nappies and we can store them here.
- Please make sure that you pay your nursery fees on time – unless discussed prior with Kirsty. Late payments or failure to pay will result in a late fee.
- Please ensure your child has appropriate footwear for nursery. They must be closed toe and a supported round the ankle to ensure proper support for the child. All pre-schoolers have access to Forest School, and sandals of any sort are not safe, so we strongly encourage
trainers. They can have sandals in the room, but they must have trainers to access our Forest School. If you need clarification, you send us photos to check. No open toe sandals, no flip flops, no crocs please. Thank you for your co-operation. - Please can we remind you – If your child receives 30-hour funding, you will need to re-confirm EVERY 3 months. If not, you could lose the funding For more information to see if you are entitled to 30 hours funding, please visit the official government page.
Every month we focus on one core story and plan activities around it. The children love it, and they get so much from it. This month’s core stories are:Baby room – We’re going on a bear hunt!
Toddlers – Peppa Pig goes to the aquarium
Pre-school – What the ladybird heard at the seaside
Forest School – The pirate mums
If you have these stories at home, why not read them to your child this month?
- 23rd August – Graduation Day
Save The Date: Thursday 3rd November 2022
If you were with us last year, you might remember that Stattoo came in to take some lovely Christmas photographs with the children. We are pleased to tell you, that they will be coming back again this year to do some more
Christmas photographs! 😊
You should have all received your log in details for babys days now – we really do encourage you to go on and check it regularly as your child’s key person will do you a weekly message to let you know how they have been and you can reply on their too. If you are having trouble with logging in, please email me and I can sort it for you.
A reminder of those that are unsure of your log in, it is the parents first name with a capital letter and then password is the child’s name with a capital letter followed by the DOB in the 2-2-2 format for example:
Username: Kirsty
Password: Pickle120719
Stars of the week!
Our stars of the week in June:
Babies: Aliza and Tilly
Toddlers: Erin, Rezwan, Gracie-Rose &Primrose
Preschool: Cairo, Lochla & Melaine
Staff: Stevie, Tamina & Rose
What have we got planned this month?
- Free play in the forest
- Reading our new core story
- Looking and caring after our allotment.
- Summer wands
- Bug hunts
- Talking about summer
- Sensory exploration
All our 3 and 4-year-olds will get time in the Forest School at least once a week to explore the wonderful area we have. Josh has lots planned for the Forest School this month so keep an eye on your child’s Babydays and Facebook for photos!
Who is celebrating a birthday this month?
Erin will be turning 3 on the 5th
Isaac will be turning 4 on the 31st
Ibrahim will be turning 3 on the 15th
Haadi will be turning 2 on the 28th
Kayden will be turning 1 on the 29th
If you would like to order a cake, please ask a member of staff for a form so we can add it to our shopping for you. We hope you all have a lovely birthday!
Barnaby Bear Adventures:
We are re-introducing our travelling bear – Barnaby! He is our nursery teddy bear who loves to travel, and he would love to join in on any family holidays or family fun days. He has his own personal calendar so people can book him out to take with them. He comes with his own diary where he can write what he has been up to and space for lots of pictures. If you are interested in taking Barnaby on your travels, let us know and we can book him in ready! 😊
Home Recipe:
We are looking for recipes to share with our lovely cook Tracey. We would love to be able to cook and try some cultural dishes from around the world and using your input! If you have any family traditional recipes, you can send these too. Tracey will do her best to try them! 😊
Have a look on our Facebook page to see what we have been up to and make sure you give us a like, just search for “Bright Stars Day Nursery”. We share lots on our page about activities we have been doing and any upcoming events etc. we wouldn’t want you to miss out, so please do give our page a like and turn on notifications.
A MASSIVE thank you to all our lovely parents who have written us a review recently. We cannot tell you how much it means to us to read them; it honestly means the world to us. I know we keep asking you all to do one, it only takes a couple of minutes, and it helps to boost our review score on the website! Thank you so so much for those who have already completed one for us! 😊 To do yours, just log onto – Search for Bright Stars and add your review again. Thank you so much!